quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2012

Beluga Sturgeon

      The Beluga or European Sturgeon is na anadromus fish in the sturgeon family. This animal belongs to:
* Kingdom: Animalia
*Phylum: Chordata
*Class: Actinopteruygi
*Order: Acipenseriformes
*Family: Acipenseridae
* Genus: Huso 
* Scientific ( Binomial ) name: Huso Huso
     The beluga live in the Caspian and Black sea basins, more specifically in the Adriatic Sea. This animal is a large and late- maturing fish that could live for 118 years. The beluga is a large predator that only feeds on other fish. For being an upstream traveler, the beluga ( for the scientists ) is considered as a fish, not a whale.
      Curious information: the largest beluga whale recorded is a 7.2 meters and 1.571 kilograms female whale. And another information is that the female is generally 20% bigger than the male one.
     This whale flesh is nowadays a rare and expansive caviar, that is not particularly renowed and the actual endangered status of the fish has made the caviar even more expansive than before. The beluga is now classified as critically endangered and it is a protected species listed in the appendix of the Bern convention.
       The mediterranean population is strongly protecting under this appendix prohibiting any intentional killing of this type of fish and all other kind of fish, protecting this populations beluga's whale 'left room'.
        What can the WWF do about it? Well, they have a program called 'Adopt a Beluga' if you go to the site, it's all over there with all the information that you need to help and save these pretty, but wanted animals of being extint